The workflow `Build and send diploma thesis` allows the user to build the diploma thesis via a github workflow and send it to a Microsoft Teams channel.
In your GitHub repository you first need to create the secrets the action needs. For that, go to the `Settings` Tab of your repository and under the section `Security` go to `Secrets and variables` and choose to the option `Actions`.
Here you enter the names of the secrets and their values corresponding to the following table. After inserting the contents of the new secret click `Add secret`.
Create a folder `.github/workflows` in the root of your repository. You can now choose between `diploma-thesis-docker.yml` and `diploma-thesis-manual.yml` to paste into the newly created folder. The difference between them is, that the **-docker** uses the Docker image (for new diploma theses) and the **-manual** installs all the dependencies in the action itself (for old diploma theses).
- Sending the diploma thesis, and therefore automated emails, using a school email address is not supported. Therefore use an email address that does not correspond to your school email address.
- If you use Gmail as a sending email address, you have to generate an app password and use this instead of your normal password. [Manual](